Whether providing support for companies seeking to settle and expand, advice on funding possibilities and suitable premises or specific assistance in finding the right staff, Osnabrück District is the strong advocate for the regional economy. The Department for Economic Affairs & Labour pools the comprehensive range of services with a swift, unbureaucratic approach to giving companies competent assistance with economic development and job market services all from a single source. After all, recruiting and retaining qualified staff plays a crucial role in the success of a company, and thus also for the success of the Osnabrücker Land in general.

Assmann Büromöbel advocates digitisation. Photo: ASSMANN BÜROMÖBEL GMBH & CO. KG, Melle
WIGOS on behalf of the companies
WIGOS Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Osnabrücker Land mbH is the economic development agency for the Osnabrücker Land with a focus on the well-being of the regional companies and the future of the location. Under the auspices of the Department for Economic Affairs & Labour, it encompasses all sectors, offering the right contact persons for every single company. As a service partner covering all aspects of companies seeking to settle and expand here, WIGOS accompanies companies and start-ups with expert advice on all relevant matters. They benefit from information and support when seeking to settle and develop their business as well as making corporate succession arrangements in due time. WIGOS also acts as intermediary in setting up important cooperation activities and networks. For example, in recent years WIGOS initiated the efforts to establish the Agrotech Valley Forum, an agricultural machinery network. Where approval procedures are concerned, WIGOS offers guidance through the jungle of official bureaucracy and its procedures, providing assistance and advice.
WIGOS is also the right address for companies seeking to pursue further development of their innovative products to place them on the market, or needing to find out about funding possibilities. Scope for professional sharing and the initiation
of business contacts is provided not just at the various event formats, consultative meetings and spontaneous encounters organised by WIGOS. Practical assistance for everyday business and professional input is also delivered by a comprehensive qualification programme with online events and seminars on many different topics such as sales, management and marketing, as well as corporate governance.
The services provided by WIGOS are supplemented by the Skilled Workers Office, whose main objective is to put the region on the market as an attractive place for employees and skilled workers to live. Among others, the Skilled Workers Office presents the Economic Miracle Region Osnabrücker Land at numerous job fairs in North West Germany.

Photo: Jeanette Dietl/stock.adobe.com
“MaßArbeit” (tailor-made) gives companies specific assistance with the recruitment process
Qualification, recruiting and retaining skilled workers in the region comprise of the department’s key tasks. Since 2005, they have been implemented successfully by the municipal employment service called “MaßArbeit”. Osnabrück District is one of more than 100 local authorities throughout Germany that organises basic provisions for job seekers on their own without the Employment Agency. MaßArbeit works through eight branch offices that are very successful in advising and placing employable benefit recipients.
But this is a service that benefits not just job seekers. Companies heeding assistance in the often difficult recruitment process can use the Employer Service offered by “MaßArbeit”. Here companies can save both time and costs, regardless whether
seeking full-time staff or apprentices. They can rely on short distances and a lack of red tape with the tailor-made recruitment process. Applicants are given the precise qualifications needed to ensure they are a perfect match for the new employer. Special projects for specific target groups are implemented to this end. It is thus possible for example for young people with impaired recruitment prospects or single mothers to be integrated in the job market. “MaßArbeit” opens the door to employment for immigrants at the Migration Centre.

From school to training
“MaßArbeit” takes a very practical, early approach to securing young talents: the main focus of School/Job Transition Management is to put young people in training and work. Among others, it supports cooperation activities between schools and companies, organises training fairs and deploys training mentors to give young people targeted, individual preparation for their later working life. After all, recruitment in general and the recruitment of skilled workers in particular is a key location factor. As “service provider for the regional economy”, the department generates a tailwind for businesses.