Qualified staff make a major contribution to the success of a company and thus also to the economic strength of the region. Firms depend on being able to recruit and retain suitably qualified skilled workers today and in future. Many industries are facing major challenges in this respect as a result of the skills shortage, due among others also to demographic reasons. Here it is a case of recognising demand at an early point in the proceedings and taking suitable measures to secure the necessary skills in the region. In this respect, the district is working together with many partners in industry and business.
“Amazing”: The title says it all about what’s on offer from the regional economy. The Skilled Workers Campaign launched in 2019 by the Department for Economic Affairs & Labour in the Osnabrück District specifically addresses future employees and skilled workers. To make potential high achievers aware of the advantages of living and working in the Osnabrücker Land, the district is not just regularly active at job fairs in North West Germany. Among others, the economic development team wishes to reach out to skilled workers originally from the region. One poster campaign aimed to bring people back to the Osnabrücker Land and to a job in the region. Those returning home and all other job seekers can find their new job in the Osnabrücker Land quickly and easily, with just one click: the heart of the new campaign is the “Job Headquarters” on the website www.da-staunste.de. The portal pools and lists thousands of job vacancies in the Osnabrücker Land.

Tomorrow’s skilled workers
Support from the Skilled Workers Office
Companies and job seekers are also supported by the Skilled Workers Office that identifies the needs of the regional economy early on in the process and works with partners to initiate precisely tailored measures to address the skills shortage. The Office is particularly involved in recruiting skilled workers from abroad and helps companies in the process of acquiring employees from other countries. The regional economy is particularly interested in making sure that graduates from the Osnabrück University and University of Applied Sciences stay in the district: the Skilled Workers Office runs a project that brings companies and graduates together, thus smoothing the way from university to a dream job.

Photo: goodluz/stock.adobe.com
From school to work
On the other hand, school children are the focus of the School/Job Transition Management that is part of the district’s “MaßArbeit” employment service: this ensures young people have important skills and abilities for their future working life already before they leave school, with professional mentoring during their individual development. “MaßArbeit” also works together with companies, parents, schools, training centres and youth workshops when it comes to finding candidates for apprenticeships.
The training mentors play an important role in this process: throughout the district, 13 training mentors maintain direct contact with the youngsters. They not only help them to make the transition from school to work but also support them throughout their apprenticeships, thus often also preventing them from dropping out of the system. The mentors also help companies, for example in the process of acquiring apprentices.

Addressing and winning apprentices
The School/Business service unit is an offering for companies and schools. It initiates cooperation activities, thus forming the basis for youngsters to start their working lives successfully with their preferred employer in the region. What can companies do so that young people see them as an attractive employer? The service unit offers an Apprentice Marketing Check that includes suggestions for directly addressing potential apprentices.
The fact that innovative, shared marketing activities help youngsters to get off to a good start with their apprenticeships is illustrated by an internet portal that was launched in 2021: www.ausbildungsregion-osnabrueck.de. This is a joint effort by the Chamber of Skilled Crafts, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and “MaßArbeit” together with other partners. It allows young people to find out quickly and easily online about the range of apprenticeships available in Osnabrück District and about their dream job. Companies also benefit directly from the service, which gives them direct access to job-seeking youngsters following initial registration. It might actually be that easy to find tomorrow’s skilled workers already today.