Life-long learning from kindergarten onwards: Osnabrück District offers its population fair education and training opportunities right from a very young age, with a wide range of services and support possibilities. It provides a connected education landscape, thus creating excellent prerequisites for young talents and tomorrow’s skilled specialists. After all, the education standard in the population plays a crucial role in the future economic and social development of Osnabrück District.
Trendsetting education management
Education begins for children already in the family before they start going to kindergarten, and continues all life long.
This makes it all the more important for the district to create structures that facilitate life-long learning and make it easy to continue education and training at all the transition stages and for all ages, for example from school into working life.
One important element in this process is the district’s education management, making a sustainable contribution to a positive development. It connects all players in the education and training sector with targeted coordination of offerings and measures, thus establishing a pioneering education landscape.
Comprehensive monitoring of education and training forms a basis for controlled action. It registers the key data pertinent to the education sector, such as the dynamics of demographic change.
Transparent sharing and communication with the local authorities in the district is particularly important in an extensive area such as Osnabrück District, thus ensuring that education and training is geared to demand. The education management team and its networking activities provide a kind of seismograph to ensure that all those involved in education know what is happening.
The education sector players also benefit from the wealth of experience gained from the federal programme “Local Learning” that was implemented in the district through to 2014.

Local authorities learn from the “Education Region”
Since 2015, the development of the “Education Region Osnabrück District” has been fostered by close cooperation with the state of Lower Saxony. As a result, the pioneering approach to education is creating the basis today for the education landscape of tomorrow.
Other local authorities can also learn from the district’s experience. It finds itself in a role model function with its way of working that can also be transferred to other local authorities. In 2015, Osnabrück District took the initiative to set up the “Transfer Agency Municipal Education Management Lower Saxony” which helps local authorities to set up or develop data-based education management, so that the whole state progresses smoothly towards good, fair education and training.

School/job transition
The transition from school to working life has a particularly significant role to play. This is the point in time when life changes in many ways for each individual. Reason enough for the School/Job Transition Management that is part of the district’s “MaßArbeit” employment service that provides various offerings to help young people find the right career for themselves. In this context, the Training Region Osnabrück was set up in 2020 in collaboration with many important regional partners. The portal pools many different services offered to young people, parents, schools and companies. It includes an overview of the various job profiles together with career advice measures or a career choice check. An internship and apprenticeship database allows the region’s business sector to make direct contact with its potential employees of tomorrow.